Dec 24, 2010

Day 25 ... Merry Christmas

Believe it or not today is Christmas! It is finally here and in the morning everyone is hopefully going to be opening presents. For day 25 I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be safe and have fun!

Day 24 ... Christmas = love

It is Christmas eve! I can't believe it is here already! Another year has come and gone so fast! I remember a time when I couldn't wait to open my presents. No matter how excited I was it seemed like my mom was always more excited! The hardest thing for her around Christmas time is not letting us open presents early. She was good at it when we were kids but not anymore. I probably could have open all my presents two days ago if I wanted to. Since it is Christmas I thought that I better stick to tradition and hold out. I have been trying to think of something to post today, and since it is a "Special Day" I think this post should be "special" right? So last week we had the first of hopefully many movie club meetings. What is movie club you might ask .... well it is just like a book club but we watch movies instead. This idea was the result of a failed book club attempt. Anyway the first movie we watched was Home Alone 2. (It was on Netflix and tis the season) After the movie was over we went around and said what we learned from the movie. Everyone had very good insight, even though it was Home Alone 2. I realized that you can be anywhere in the world or even at your own house, Christmas isn't Christmas unless you are with loved ones. With that in mind my wish for day 24 is that no one spends this Christmas alone and even if they do I hope they realize that there is someone out there who cares about them and wishes that they could be with them. (This was super cheesy but, I'll say it again, tis the season) Merry Christmas!

I couldn't think of any pictures to post so I found this classic Christmas song for you to enjoy.

Dec 23, 2010

Day 23 ... Europe

I really love to travel and I have been to quite a few of the 50 states. One of my goals would be to visit all 50 states. I have quite a few more but I think that I have made a significant dent. I have been to Canada and Mexico and a few other places outside of the United States. I would really love to go to Europe, Italy in particular. I don't know Italian but I do know Spanish and it is pretty close. So for day 23 I would love to go to Italy on Vacation. Preferably Venice.

Dec 22, 2010

Day 22 ... F1

This wish was inspired by the fighter jet post. For some reason I have always wanted to drive a race car. Now, when I say race car I get the feeling that most people think of a NASCAR (I'm not a redneck). When I say that I want to drive a race car I am talking about a Formula 1 race car. According to Wikipedia these cars can produce up to 1,000 horse power and reach speeds of 230 mph! These cars go go from 0 to 62 mph (0-100 km) in about 1.7 seconds! 0 to 124 mph in 3.8 seconds and 0 to 186 in 8.6 seconds. In the corners they can produce 6 g's of lateral force! Can you believe that?!!! I can't. So for day 22 I want to drive a Formula 1 race car!

McLaren Mercedes MP4-22

Day 21 ... I'm goin Michael Phelps on your &$#

Just the other day I was speaking with my brother, whom I live with, and we were talking about swimming. I discussed the advantages of using swimming to work out as opposed to jogging, weight lifting, or other work outs of that nature. We both came to the conclusion that we wanted to start swimming. Lucky for me I recently purchased a nice red Nike Speedo, so I am half way there already. All I need is a swimming cap and some nice goggles. (I wonder if there is a cap big enough to fit all of my hair in?) So for day 20 I would like a swimming cap and swimming goggles. (I'm going to look like Michael Phelps in no time!)

I think on like this would do (Warning this guy is extremely hairy!!!)
These are the goggles that Michael Phelps uses

Dec 21, 2010

Day 20 ... Cellular Telephone

Over a year ago I got a new cell phone from Verizon. Unfortunately I went the cheap route and got the Droid Eris. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the android operating system and other features of the phone, but the Eris is just so slow and crappy. I wish I would have spent $50 more and got the Motorola Droid. The Eris has bad battery life, extremely slow, and because it is slow it does weird things like when I reboot it it sends out hundreds of old texts that I send months before hand, annoying! Anyway for day 20 I would like a new cell phone. I want to stick with the Android platform because I love it. I would like something with a bigger screen and a way faster processor. I would also like to stick with Verizon, because lets be honest, they are the best! So I think I would want either the Motorola Droid 2, Motorola Droid X, or the HTC Incredible

Here is the Eris ... yuck!
Motorola Droid 2 (This has the fastest processor 1.2Ghz)
Here is the Droid X (The largest one)
The HTC Incredible

Day 19 ... Fighter Jet

I realize that I have fallen behind on the posts again but I am going to catch up right now.

Today I flew to Arizona to spend Christmas with my mom. It was a very early flight but quite fast and enjoyable. Before we landed I woke up and started to think about things to post on my blog so I could catch up. Naturally I thought of something related to a plane. Then it hit me ...... A fight jet. Ever since I was a kid I have always thought fight jets to be the coolest things ever. Obviously not cool enough to pursue a career in piloting but nonetheless, cool. Since I do not have my pilots licence I am pretty far from being able to fly a plane. The next best thing would be simply to ride in a fighter jet. I can't imagine how intense it would be. All of those G's pressing against your body ..... mind blowing. So for day 19 I want to ride in a fighter jet, and not just a ride. I want a RIDE, so crazy that I almost throw up. (I think it might be better if I do throw up?)

This is the crazy I'm talking about
I would also like to break the sound barrier

Dec 18, 2010

Day 18 ... Hot Tub

Today I went snowboarding. I just got back and I am extremely tired! My legs are fried, they feel like jelly. My roommate is worse off than me. There is only one thing in the world that I want right now. That is ...... a hot tub. It will relax my muscles, lessen the pain, and knock me right out! So for day 18 I want a hot tub. Preferably one with a TV in it.

Day 17 ... Homeowner

First of all I would like to apologize for not posting anything yesterday. It was a long and hard day at work and I just wanted to have some fun so I forgot and I am sorry. With that being said there is something that I want for day 17. This thing is big, it can be hot or cold inside, people come and go, you can watch TV at this place, or just sit and read a book. Can you guess what it is? .......... It is a home. I am not "old" but I am getting older every year. (25 right now) I'm not married, nor do I have a girlfriend but there is something deep within me that wants to be a home owner. I can't explain it, it is just something that is boiling within and one day will come out. If I were to buy a home it would be relatively small, 2 or 3 bedrooms, preferably 2 baths but I could live with just one. I really want a house with a garage. I always have projects and things that I need a garage for but I don't have one so that is probably one of the top things on my list. Other than that I don't really have any preferences. So for day 17 I want to be a home owner.

Maybe something like this.

Dec 16, 2010

Day 16 ... Every Man Needs a Suit

Not to brag at all but I have pretty good style. I'm not just saying that because I think it but because other people complement me all the time on how good I look. (Wow, someone needs to punch me in the face because I sound soooo cocky right) Anyway, I have always enjoyed wearing a really nice, well fitting suit. Normally I like to find my suits at thrift stores (don't judge until you find a suit that fits you at a thrift store) and get them tailored. Most of the time the coat will fit fine but the slacks are bell bottoms, but that's just my personal experience. With that being said, I can appreciate a good suit and one store that has a suit that I want is J. Crew! So for day 16 I want the J Crew Ludlow, 2-button suit with the center vent, either the Irish linen (because it has 3 pieces) or the fine stripe, or both!

Here is the Irish linen
Irish linen Ludlow two-button suit jacket with center vent
With the vest, of course
Irish linen suit vest
And here is the Fine-Stripe
Fine-stripe cotton Ludlow two-button suit jacket with center vent
This one is also very nice!
Italian wool Aldridge two-button suit jacket with center vent

Day 15 ... AHHHHH

Can you believe it boys and girls ... only 10 more days until Christmas! This is so exciting!

One thing that I have always wanted to do it jump out of a plane. Obviously I will have a para-shoot on, I can't explain why but I have always wanted to do it. Why does anyone want to do it? Adrenaline! It's all about the adrenaline. Here is the thing though, I don't want to jump out strapped onto someones chest I want to jump out on my own and do what I want while I'm up there. So for day 15 I want to jump out of plane not attached to anyone.

I would also love to try base jumping with a wing suit like this ..... (shot with a Go Pro camera)

Dec 14, 2010

Day 14 ... Motorized Chair

Last night I was driving around the city and came to a stop at a stop light. Just then a taxi cab pulled up next to me in the right lane. He was going to turn right. As the light changed to green in the other direction on old man in a motorized chair started to cross the street in front of our cars. As the old man entered the street the taxi driver lunged forward and then hit hit breaks to "scare the old man." I couldn't believe it who in their right mind would do that? Just went I thought that the situation couldn't be more absurd, the taxi driver honked his horn! Yes, you read it right, he honked his horn (rudely I might add). My mind was instantly blown! I couldn't believe it. Anyway for day 14 I want that old man on the motorized chair, and all people in motorized chairs, to have the merriest Christmas ever!

Dec 13, 2010

Day 13 ... Bring it on Seagal

As I am writing this I am watching the most amazing TV show I have ever seen in my life. The name of this show .... Steven Seagal: Lawman. Steve Seagal is all talk. He doesn't do anything on the show except talk, give orders, stand, talk about how long he has been studying martial arts, talk about how much of a bad ass he is, and wear yellow lensed glasses. Here is a clip from the show .....

As you can plainly see from the trailer he doesn't do much ..... I think that he is all talk. So for day 13 I want to go one on one with Steven Seagal so I can show everyone that he isn't as bad ass as he seems.

Dec 12, 2010

Day 12 ... Forks

A few days ago I said that I wanted to get my bike powder coated. I still am not sure on the color but if I want to put more money into my bike I would like to up grade my forks. Currently my forks are vintage style. They are long and swoop at the end. Click on this link to check them out. What I want are straight forks, to give my bike a more modern and fixie look. So for day 12 I want forks for my bike.

Something like this
Or maybe some carbon fiber ones like these

Dec 11, 2010

Day 11 ... Another Mac

I was just looking back on my posts for the last 10 days and realized something. If I get an I mac, then what am I going to use when I travel? Now do not think that I am changing my mind based on portability. I am simply going to make an addition to the I mac. To solve this problem I will need to get one of two options. An I pad or a macbook air. I like the I pad because it is touch screen and you can get 3G built in (I think). But the Macbook Air is so cool! It weighs like nothing, it is super thin, and you can do anything you want to on it, like write a novel. (I'm sure you could do that on the I pad, but why would you want to?) So for day 11 I want a Macbook Air.

Dec 10, 2010

Day 10 ... Flash mob

On one of the recent episodes of Modern Family (one of my favorite shows) Mitchel surprised Cam by taking part in a Flash Mob. If you don't know what a flash mob is, where have you been? A flash mob is basically a large group of people all joining together "randomly" and dancing or something simultaneously. So for day 10 I want to be apart of a flash mob. Here are some cools ones .......

Singing ......
Dancing .......
Freezing ........

Day 9 ... hell-a what?

One of my favorites things to do in the winter time, and just all the time, is snowboard. I love it. There is nothing like riding through some fresh powder and having it fly in your face. I have literally never experienced anything that comes even close to the feeling of carving fresh powder. I guess that is why the industry is so big and there are so many people that do it and love it as well. The ultimate snowboarding experience would consist of going to Alaska, renting a helicopter and riding down slopes that few people have ever been down before. (The title of this post was strictly an attention grabber. I know that it is called heli-skiing or heli-boarding) So for day 9 I want an all inclusive trip to Alaska to go heli-boarding!

Step one ... get in the helicopter
Step two ... helicopter drops you off on top of a mountain
Step three ... heaven
P.S. if I were to do this someday (which I will) the only way I would drop in is like this ....

Dec 8, 2010

Day 8 ... Neil

One of my favorite singer, song writers is Neil Diamond. (If you think that I am joking or trying to be "cool" ask anyone I know and they will tell you that this is legit!) I check his website frequently to see one day if he is going on tour again and coming through, or even need where I am living. The last time I checked I came across something that struck me to my soul. It is a Neil Diamond Snuggie. In honor of his new album "Dreams" Neil has made a snuggie that you can buy along with his album. So for day 8 I want a Neil Diamond snuggie.
Neil Diamond Dreams Snuggie
You can purchase one here.
Check this majestic picture out, it blew my mind!

Dec 7, 2010

Day 7 ... House shoes

I just had a wonderful birthday last week. My brothers got me a flannel bath robe. I am loving it. I have never had a bath robe before and I vow to never not own one again! There is only one problem my feet get cold. I could wear socks but they don't always do the trick. There is only one solution ..... house shoes. So for day 7 I want some nice house shoes.

I would love something like this (With the Hansen Family crest ... of course)
I could also rock both of these
Shearling moccasin slippers

Dec 6, 2010

Day 6 ... I'm going PRO

I love doing things outdoors. You name it and I love doing it; snowboarding, mountain biking, road biking, hiking, swimming, camping, the list goes on. Well I have never been able to confidently capture some of the fun moments on camera because of the fear of breaking my camera. Finally there is a solution to my problem and it is called GoPro. It is a little camera with a wide angle lens. It records in 1080p HD at 30 frames per second. It has a 32 GB SD card capacity, waterproof case - up to 180 feet deep, and the battery lasts up to 2.5 hours. This little thing is amazing and can be attached to just about anything. A car, surfboard, helmet, your chest, etc. So day 6 is a GoPro camera
Here is a video shot with a GoPro camera

Dec 5, 2010

Day 5 ... Study Corner

The other day I said I wanted to get an I mac. Well if you weren't aware, I mac's are desktops. I currently have a laptop so if I were to get a desktop I would obviously need a desk. My room is pretty full already with a queen sized bed and a long dresser with big legs. (I'll take a picture of it later) I was thinking about finding just a small 4 by 4 desk or maybe 4 by 3, it has to be made of real wood, not some crappy particle board, and no drawers. Just something small, nice, and classy (of course). So for day 4 I want a small simple, but classy desk something like this .....

In my search for this classy desk I found this really cool desk. I would also not mind this one ....

Dec 4, 2010

Day 4 ... Powder Coat

I love to ride bikes, particularly fixed gear bikes. My current bike is a 1975 Motobecane Mirage. It is a solid frame but the paint job it lacking. I like the rustic look of the paint but I am worried about rust. To remedy this I need to paint it but paint can fade and chip fairly easily. So instead of paint I want to powder coat it. Powder coating is basically like paint but it is actually bonded to the metal though a series of electrical charges. So day 4 is powder coating my bicycle.
Here she is now
Here is a local company that charges $70 (not bad ... I think) I'm not sure about color though

Day 3 ... Imac

Recently I have been wanting to get a new computer. Mine is about 4 years old and getting kinda slow. I have been a PC forever and I like PC's just fine, but I have been thinking about a Mac lately. I have read some reviews and talked to some people I know and I have heard only good things. I do realize that Bias does exist but they are just so darn good looking and the 27" Imac blows my mind. So for day 3 it is a 27" Imac

Day 2 ... Cafe Bars

If you have been following my blog you will know that I made some trades awhile back resulting in me obtaining a 1980 motorcycle. Well My plans are to convert this motorcycle into a Cafe Racer. Hopefully something somewhat like this ....
Well I need a few things for the conversion and one is handle bars. Something like this
You flip these over and it drops the handle position down low to give the bike a cafe racer look.

25 days of Christmas

December is finally here. December is by far my favorite month. Not only is my birthday in December but its also Christmas. I was thinking of what I could do different this month and I thought of a great idea. 25 days 25 posts with things that I wants. I know that Christmas is all about Giving and whatnot but that doesn't mean that I can't look at stuff to buy myself when I do something good. I also realize that today is December 4th ..... so yes I will be doing 4 posts today. Stay tuned for whats to come.

For December First I want these (I already got them for my birthday, with some help from my wonderful mother)
Today was my second day on them up at the mountain and I love them so far! Highly recommended!