Jan 8, 2011


I told you yesterday that I am in Austin, TX shooting a dance competition. Well the actual competition hasn't yet started and I am stuck sitting here doing nothing. The main computer doesn't have solatair and I have played all the games on my phone a thousand times. Which leads me to my next point. I love my phone! Although it is an older model and somewhat slow I love that I can turn on my wireless tether and use the internet on a computer through my phone anywhere I am! I love technology!

Anyway, whenever I am at one of these comeptitions I try and make the best out of it! So, whenever I walk in the door at the venue I always say "I love the smell of dance in the morning" or "I LOVE dance!" Usually it is way too busy to even sit down and get on facebook ... not to metion make a blog post of this caliber. Today is very slow and boring! I have already checked out all the dance mom's my eyes can handle so now I am just left to the blog! I was going to write something very insiteful about dancing but I forgot what it was ........ wait, I love dance!

I am at the Company Dance event in Austin, check out the site it is pretty legit!

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