Mar 21, 2011

Cookie Story

I love cookies and for some reason I have some pretty amazing stories about cookies. Thanks to the events last night I have one more to add to the list .... heres how it goes:
So a friend of mine brings over 4 cookies on a plate for me. Since there were 4 I was going to share and give each one my brothers one. I get the cookies and set them on the kitchen table. (Everyone knows who brought the cookies over and that there are only 4) Well the night goes on and I was hanging out with my friend and going about my business. I left the house for awhile and when I get back the cookies are gone! I ask Josh, he said he had 1. I ask Jesse, he said he had 3. Who in their right mind eats three out of four cookies in a home with four people living in it? Only my buddy Jesse

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