Nov 29, 2011

5 Black Keys

Here are 5 of the new songs from the Black Keys new Album "El Camino"

Nov 22, 2011

Desk Computer

This is incredible! The coolest thing I have seen in awhile! And its only $1300.

Nov 17, 2011

Piece by Piece

These are really cool! I think that a lot of us take advantage (myself included) of how much goes into the things that we use everyday! Check out these pictures. They are really amazing how many little pieces and parts there are. Great job on these pictures! Todd Mclellan is the Photographer. There are videos of him dissembling all of these things! It is really cool!! TODD MCLELLAN

Nov 15, 2011

Kyle Mooney = Big timer!

I have been watching Kyle Mooney videos for quite awhile now and he is getting pretty popular! He was on Parks and Recreation and I just found out that he was on Jimmy Kimmall.

Nov 13, 2011

This is what I would do when I grew up in Washington. Roam the forest in search of an adventure or a perfect location for yet another fort!

Experiment No. 2 - Backcountry Nest from Shwood Eyewear on Vimeo.

Pendleton + Shwood =Something very desirable!

I want some of these very bad!

Nov 11, 2011

Iron and Resin

This blog is pretty awesome! Completely about surfing and vintage motorcycles! They have some really cool apparel too. Check out their blog. The pictures on there are really cool, they make me want to sell everything I own and ride to California and live on the beach for the rest of forever!

Nov 10, 2011

Tennis to the death

This is a real picture. In 2005 Andre Agassi and Roger Federer battled on the help-pad of the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai. Can you imagine playing a friendly match of tennis 700 feet above the ocean?!

Nov 9, 2011


Yesterday I rewarded myself by buying Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. I love it so far! too bad I have to work today or I would be playing it non-stop. Maybe it is a good thing! I'm about half-way done with the campaign and love it so far. I have done some of the special ops missions as well, and played online for a few games. I really like the dog tag online mode! I can't wait to try the survival mode, here is a video that shows the survival mode.

Nov 7, 2011

First NFL Game!

December 4th I will be in Arizona for my birthday which is on December 3rd. While I am there I am going to go to a football game!!! This will be my first NFL game and I am very excited for it.

Nov 4, 2011

Halloween Candy

This is too good! When I have kids I am going to pull this prank every year! I hope they don't catch on.

Camera Bag

If I were a professional I would get this for sure!

Nov 3, 2011


This is my favorite thing. These videos make my day every time!

Nov 2, 2011

I can't wait for snowboarding!

This video is making me more excited about snowboarding! I want a snowmobile already!!

Nov 1, 2011

Bucket list ... Play flag football with Kevin Durant .... Check!

Kevin Durant is the man! What other NBA player would do this?